Pre-Planned Maintenance Compliance+

Offering planned fire door maintenance to remove the risk from your buildings, our fixed-term contract, Checkmate Compliance+ provides you with scaled costs and unparalleled benefits.

This prevents the need for constantly organising fire door inspections and remediation, guarantees no unexpected fees, and reduces the headache of maintaining compliance.

Pre-Planned Maintenance At-A-Glance

Under the moniker of Checkmate Compliance And Compliance+, we offer a range of Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) options tailored to your requirements, fundamentally helping you to meet legal obligation under the RRO.

Unlike any other item of fire safety equipment installed in our buildings, fire doors are often subject to high levels of use which make them especially vulnerable to the effects of wear and tear. Add to this the potential for damage, either accidental or deliberate, and you could be looking at managing non-compliant premeses.

Planned Fire Door Maintenance

Let us take the risk out of your ongoing fire-door maintenance, by combining 3rd party accredited inspection and maintenance for 3, 5 or 7 year fixed-term contracts.

Further Benefits of Checkmate Fire Compliance Services

Making crucial decisions to upgrade or remediate doors protects you from the devastating effects of smoke and fire. 3rd party accredited checks and pre-planned maintenance should be your next step to ensure it remains that way.

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30+ Years' Experience

Ensuring the safety and compliance of your buildings, Checkmate Fire is the UK’s leading passive fire protection specialist. Established in 1989, we supply a comprehensive range of 3rd-party accredited installation and compliance services to public and private sector organisations.

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National Coverage

We can provide our services nationally through an expert fleet of fire safety joiners, supported by our regional branch networks. With one single point of contact managing your account, we deliver an easily administered service you can rely upon.

3, 5 or 7 Year Fixed Costs

Maintaining your fire doors for a fixed duration - at a fully fixed yearly cost  - Checkmate provides you with the complete peace of mind that your doors remain complaint with no unexpected fees.


Reducing your risks, Checkmate Fire will ensure your fire doors remain as compliant as possible.  No more unanticipated costs hurting your budget means significant improvements in financial and future asset lifecyle planning.

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