As the UK’s largest passive fire protection company, Checkmate Fire is fully third party accredited for a range of services from fire door installation, through to surveys, inspections and remediations.
Checkmate Fire is built on a foundation of continuous improvement, a philosophy that is deeply embedded throughout our business. We view our memberships, associations and certifications with a wide range of construction and fire safety accreditation organisations as both the roadmap and demonstration of our commitment to high standards in all of our company wide activities.
Checkmate Fire are founder members of the BRE Fire Protection Certification Scheme. The BRE Approval Process involves a whole series of rigorous on-going checks and it is because of this assessment process that the LPCB Approval Mark is recognised worldwide as a badge of quality for Passive Fire Protection Installation.
We are proud to have achieved the following accreditations and certifications which highlight our adherence to professional, high quality standards for all our projects.

Demonstrating how we can influence raising standards within construction, Achilles drives efficiencies for both buyers and suppliers.

The ASFP strives to promote excellence in the design and installation of fire protection - for which we are fully 3rd party accredited.

Checkmate has 3rd party accreditation under the industry leading BM Trada Q-Mark scheme for fire door installation and maintenance.

ISO 45001
The world's international standard for occupational health and safety, issued to protect employees and visitors from work-related accidents and diseases.

CHAS – Premium Plus
The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) are an authority on health and safety and compliance.

Directory of pre-qualified UK construction contractors and consultants, owned and endorsed by the Department of Trade and Industry

CQMS ensures your health and safety documentation is completed in full and ready to issue to your workforce and use.

FIRAS is the mark of endorsement of competency in the installation of products and systems, vital for achieving the protection required.

The Fire Protection Association is the UK’s national fire safety organisation, who ensure we maintain the very highest standards of fire safety management.

ISO 27001
We are registered to ISO 27001 - the information security standard.

ISO 14001
The Environment Management System standard is a framework to manage the environmental impacts of products, services and processes.

ISO 9001
This Quality Management System accreditation highlights corporate governance, continual improvement, and business sustainability.

We are registered in the (BRE) core passive installer scheme, LPS 1531 for installing and applying passive fire protection products.

We are registered in the (BRE) core passive installer scheme, LPS 1271 for installing fire doorsets.

We are registered in the (BRE) core passive installer scheme, LPS 1197 for inspecting, repairing and maintaining fire doorsets.

Actively reducing health and safety assessment costs and bureaucracy in the supply chain

SMAS Worksafe Contractor
Providing our clients and main contractors with confidence in our competence.