Quality Assurance
As a passive fire protection company, we know that ‘the devil is in the detail’, which is why Checkmate ensures all our works are 3rd party accredited, providing our clients with the assurance that our services are built and delivered on a foundation of quality.
A building’s fire integrity is of fundamental importance to the compliance and safety of the structure, and as such, we welcome the responsibility of ensuring that the correct fire protection is achieved and certified.
LPCB accreditation for peace of mind
Checkmate are LPCB accredited for a reason. LPCB has been assessing and approving fire resisting systems and fire protection construction products for more than 100 years and has one of the best equipped laboratories in the world. So, ensure you use accredited installers of fire resisting systems and fire protection construction products.
Remember, it is crucially important that systems are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. These instructions can also specify the necessary fixings; any deviation at all from the system specification or method of build must be confirmed in writing before the work is commenced. It is often too late when the product has been installed to try to unpick things, and this can also lead to costly remediation work.
BRE Passive Fire Protection Installer Certification Scheme
Checkmate Fire is one of the founder members of the BRE Fire Protection Certification Scheme.
The BRE approval process involves a whole series of rigorous on-going checks, and it is because of this assessment process that the ‘LPCB Approval Mark’ is recognised worldwide, as a badge of quality for Passive Fire Protection Installation.
Key Relationships
We’re proud of our close relationships with the industry’s leading manufacturers, including British Gypsum, Fermacell, FSi, Firetherm, Fireus, Hilti, Knauf, Sherwin-Williams, Lorient, Tremco Illbruck, Promat, Quelfire and Rockwool.
Checkmate believes that collaboration is key to lessons learnt, so we actively involve industry partners in our quality assurance procedures and training, to ensure site-specific systems are designed and installed within the scope of relevant fire tests.

Benefits of 3rd Party Certification to the Client
By choosing an accredited company with full 3rd party installer accreditation, clients can be assured of:
- Verification of skills, training and management
- Installation of suitable materials as per the manufacturer’s specification
- Certificated, trained operatives and supervisors
- Independent site audits monitoring the work
- Certificate of conformity issued on completion
- Full audit trail
- UKAS accreditation of scheme
- Verification of the limitations of certification to product areas covered under the scheme
Quality and Compliance Assured
We actively involve firestopping and fire door manufacturers in quality assurance procedures and training, to ensure site-specific systems are designed and installed within the scope of relevant fire tests. All fire stopping systems are fully accredited and comply with the specified fire strategy and Part B building regulations.
As part of our commitment to achieving the highest possible safety standards at all our customers’ sites, we have in-house Technical Compliance Auditors who monitor and report on our installation work. These internal Checkmate audits are over and above those provided by the certification bodies, giving you greater peace of mind about passive fire protection compliance at your properties.